Getting back to you Nithy!! Let us ponder on some of the issues of the time. During your run and hide days, some of your close devotees suggested that you return and make yourself available to the police for any interrogation. You were told that there is no legal case against you as there was no complainant. The police were only investigating based on the F.I.R filed by Dharmananda which was a list of serious allegations. The chances of your arrest were slim. But you would not listen. Your advocate was promising you an anticipatory bail. Infact you were insisting that you would return only after getting an anticipatory bail.
You were scared of getting arrested. Infact when the doctor from L.A asked you, why are you scared of arrest? After all, Lord Krishna was born in jail and Gandhiji never had an issue going to jail for a cause.You timidly replied that at your age you could not risk an arrest and imprisonment. In reality you were scared that all your misdeeds and sleaze activities would stand exposed. You were scared that you would lose all what you created and earned by way of cheating gullible devotees.
During this time, many Ashramites and close devotees who had surrendered to you, wanted to get to the bottom of the matter. They were confused. On one side you were apologizing, while admitting that you had a relationship with the woman in the video (widely believed to be Ranjitha) and assuring that in future no such thing will happen. On the other side, you were giving press interviews from your hideout alleging that the video was partially morphed. These are school boy tactics Nithy and when trust is lacking people see through the lies.This is when Dharmananda started contacting directly and indirectly many true, sincere and important Ashramites and devotees. He had and still has startling evidence. Verifiable. It was verified by some of your ex-Ashramites, Acharyas and devotees by meeting the victims and their parents.
Your modus operandi of sexually exploiting both men and women was simple. Your care taker secretary would call for and send the honored man/woman to do seva to you. It was glorified that only the chosen few had such an oppurtunity. The seva meant massaging the legs and then the contact was pushed closer. You Nithy would confide (more like remind) that you were an Avatar of Shiva or Krishna and through close contact he/she would experience enlightenment. This was legally rape through cheating and deception. Could he/she resist you in such a situation? NO. Once the job was done you ensured that the Non Disclosure Agreements were signed when the girls were still in a state of shock and trauma. Several dozens were victimized. Why is it, Nithy, that in almost all cases we found that the parents of the girls/boys were not informed about these documents? Moreover, the girls were strictly told not to inform the parents, lest their path to enlightenment may also get affected. THIS WAS THE INCARNATION OF SATAN AT WORK. Your date of birth is a lie, your Parivrajaka is a lie, the gift of land at Bidadi is a lie, the age of the Banyan tree at Bidadi is a lie. You are a diabolical liar, a megalomaniac, power hungry and to a degree self deluded. You deserve to be locked up.
You could have avoided arrest if you were in Bangalore. As you were absconding, a warrant was issued and hence arrested. The Non Disclosure Agreements put you in a dock and had to spend 53 days in police and judicial custody. So sad. When you were arrested, Sachitananda was in the U.S. The few Ashramites still holding out at Bidadi wanted to run away. It was Ma Sachitananda a.k.a Ragini who persuaded the few Ashramites and Brahmacharies to stay on. Then you changed your Advocate and brought in new fellows from Mumbai along with a senior advocate of Bangalore. Finally you were released. Then your true colors started showing up along with your coterie and partners in crime viz. Sadananda, Bhaktananda, Sachitananda, Ma Sachitananda and Ma Sadananda. Not to forget Sri Manishananda, Pranananda, Gyanananda, Atma Prabhananda and the second circle consisting of Bhaktika, Priyananda, Achalananda, Shantananda, Prematma, Gnanatma, etc. Include the new comers desperately seeking attention like Madhavi, Arpit Singal (Turiananda) etc.
Nithy, initially you did a good job. In the second week of June you neutralized the press to the extant that too much negativity was not written. You hired a battery of lawyers, all famous and first rung advocates in Bangalore. Smart move. Their court presence made an an impact on the Judges. In short your money was now really talking. You weighed your chances. In our conservative society will any family lady complain? No. The only irritant was Sri Vimalananda. He was part of the F.I.R and he could talk. Also the L.A managers Sahaj, Sevaka and Jothir were found unreliable. Sachitananda was promptly dispatched to the U.S to take care of them and he took real good care. He got their resignation and also got them to sign a confidentiality agreement. These cowards are still shivering. He had a different solution for Sri Vimalananda. Everyone knows and it's in the news, how he was taken care of. The family most devoted to the temple did the job. Vamalananda was in contact with the family till July 2009. Now, suddenly Nithy made them to wake up. Wonder why after nearly 1.5 years. These one and half years Nithy was blackmailing him. Now Vimalananda who is part of the F.I.R was imminent to give a statement to the C.I.D. Nithy appears to have moved faster than poor Vimalananda. Nithy, now you were feeling safer. No complainant, no evidence, no witness.
All angles were very well covered. You got back to your old ways. Your arrogance was showing. There were statements made in the Ashram that any one who stood against Nithy would not be spared,not even the police. There was NO talk of right or wrong and if Nithy should be made accountable for his misdeeds. You were getting impatient to get back your devotee base. Your lawyers managed to get the court's permission to preach. There was no stopping you and your lies. But you din't realize that your sins were also catching up with you. You made your first STRATEGIC MISTAKE.
You delivered the FREEDOM TALK instead of a "Speech Of Repentance". On that day when we were all watching, you should have had the courage to admit your mistakes and apologize for betraying all your devotees, Acharyas and Ashramites. Shamelessly you spoke saying that even when you were in police and judicial custody one part of your system was always at peace and you could think of only compassion. Did you not feign heart pain and get admitted to the hospital to avoid lock up? The police will attest to the fact that you were crying and having blood in your motions and a doctor had to be called in. Had it not been for Bhaktananda giving you moral support, strength and company you would have been a broken man. Yet you were claiming Divinity and projecting yourself as an incarnation. The world has not seen such hypocrisy for long.
There were number of calls and e-mails from devotees who donated land, temples and cash to return back the gifts as promised by you. You were at your diplomatic best, sweet talking and your coterie playing it hard and refusing to return the gifts. The incident of the elderly 70 year old sick lady from Hyderabad is so vivid. She had come to get back the Temple she donated at Hyderabad. She was subjected to a security body check . Made to wait for hours. You spoke sweetly as a policy but your coterie consisting of Bhaktananda, Ma Sachitananda were rude, humiliating and abusing her family. How was you and your coterie's behavior at the time of her donating the temple? You were sucking up to her. AVATARA PURSHA, how do you explain this behavior? She is in her last days and your managers refuse to take her calls and now you have dragged her to court. Same is the case with the donor of 45 acres of land at Rajapalyam, Tamil Nadu. Same is the story of Maheshwara of L.A who stood guarantee of $2.5 million for the L.A temple. The doctor from L.A was snubbed by Sachitananda when he requested return of a huge cash donation (to divert to a genuine charitable organization).
Do we need to tell you that Paramahamsas don't cling to gold, property and wealth. Shame on you, are you going to take this wealth to your grave? From the day you were released on bail every Brahmachary and Ashramite is closely watched.They are afraid to speak on their mobiles. Such is the power and control of your inner circle with your blessings. It will not last long.
Simultaneously you announced Living Enlightenment and N.S.P programs and launched an advertising and press meet campaign. Through some cheap local political leaders you planted a news saying that Dharmananda was a Christian and that his given family name was Lenin. You also planted news of a great Christian conspiracy in collaboration with Lenin to defame you and Hindu Dharma in general. Essentially you wanted to gain the sympathy of the Hindutva forces to support you. This you did knowing very well that Lenin was a Hindu and was given the name Lenin by his father who was a staunch communist. Is it not a rule in your Ashram that every Brahmachary has to submit all his certificates including Date of Birth, Caste and academic degree. Dharmananda's certificates which indicates that he is a Hindu, personal effects and car were in your custody till about 20th of March. You sent them back to Dharma along with his car hoping that this gesture will appease him. Trying to take advantage of his Christian name you played the Hindutva card which seemed to work initially and has become a dud now. Dharmananda was the only bhramachary who joined ashram with his car and surrendered it to you along with all his other worldly possessions. You made him in charge of Galleria and also honored him by making him your personal chauffeur. After the expose you denigrated him and called him a small time driver. This goes to show the compassion and loving nature of an Avatara Purusha.
A team comprising of Sadanananda (Aiyya), Gyanananda and Pranananda were sent to Tamil Nadu to give a string of talks and press meets describing the whole expose as a lie and it was indicated by them that the whole video was morphed and digitally altered. In support of this, your team kept referring to the movie "AVATAR". The living enlightenment and N.S.P programs conducted by you were nothing but brainwashing sessions where emphasis on seva was made. Sadly, the only seva your inner circle goons made them do was to call up about 100 ex- devotees every day and ask them to come back to the cult. They got tired of doing this. Many were seen complaining in private. To attract ex-Brahmacharies and new recruits you introduced a new system of paying salaries to Brahmacharies. A number of old Brahmacharies were called up and given this incentive. These were acts of desperation. However, some attendance started improving largely from rural Tamil Nadu solely due to the efforts of the homeopathy doctor Mr. Chandran and a few others. We are aware that you rewarded him with a new MUV the Mahindra Bolero for his good work and to keep him in good humor.
Efforts were made like how political parties in India mobilize crowds. Free transport, free stay, free food, free holiday and darshan and blessings of the Master. The crowds generated were about 25 percent of the pre-expose crowds. Let's recall those good old days when you were at the height of arrogance and intoxication of wealth and money. You started demanding Rs 25,00,000 per day (that’s 25 lakhs/day!!) for your presence. Recall the kalpataru and N.S.P cancellations made at Vijayawada, Baroda, mysore and few other places just because the organizers failed to raise the said numbers. The threats of cancellations made for programs held at Hyderabad, Mysore and other centers for failing to reach the targeted numbers. Also recall the incident at Singapore when the Organisers could not collect your targeted amount, your Sadananda shamelessly demanded and collected the difference amount from the organizer. You have all the weaknesses of ordinary mortals. You are afflicted by Pride, Ego, Arrogance, Jealousy and above all greed and lust and yet claim to be a rare Avatar and Incarnation. I just feel sorry for the people still around you.
Let's now see the enactment of the new drama staged by you known as the Name Giving Ceremony. I could understand that, to keep up the morale of the brainwashed flock and reward their loyalty for sticking with you during your hiding days and later during your lock up days, you had this ceremony. Good thinking! but a few thinking people among the Bramacharies and Ashramites could see your devious mind at work. Some of the well known and truly respected names among your earlier devotees were Sri Nithya Advaitananda (your biographer) and Ma Nithya Manisha (your yoga mahacharya). Since they turned against you after having known the truth from Dharma, you divested them of their names. Sri Nithya Advaitananda was well known to most devotees in India and abroad, having written over 30 books for you including your biography. Ma Nithya Manisha needs no introduction having managed your yoga department and handled various workshops in your absence. She was an asset for your organization. In your new Name Giving Ceremony you picked up an incompetent, brainwashed, monkey faced idiot and gave him the name of Sri Advaitananda and next you picked up a rash, emotionally dysfunctional, power hungry and attention seeking lady from Hyderabad (Nominated and recommended by Ma Sachit/Ragini) and gave her the name of Ma Manisha. This you have done to create confusion in the minds of all devtees mostly ex-devotees and visitors familiar with the well known names when they correspond with them. It was a subtle way to let all devotees know that they are still with you. I wonder why you didn't name any one as Sri Nithya Dharmananda or Sri Nithya Kaivalya or Sri Nithya Maheshwara.
We could see that by the end of July and August your confidence level started going up. Your arrogance was surfacing. The police could not come up with any concrete complaint, witness or evidence. It was advantage Nithy because he knew that no Indian lady would risk her reputation in a rape case. By then your advocates were assuring you that your application to quash the F.I.R would be upheld in the High Court. Sri Sachitananda would regularly lead a team of Brahmacharinis and a few Brahmacharies dressed in your trademark costumes to the High Court to make a subtle impression on the Judge. For all your public talk, of excusing Dharmananda and feeling only compassion for him, we knew that it was only a matter of time before you would get back at him. You did precisely that. We (All 57 participants and Ashramites) were forced and induced to lodge a police complaint against Dharmananda for trespass etc. by Bhaktananda and others. Most of us didn't like doing this as we knew that Dharma did not trespass. It would be like accusing Bhaktananda or Sachitananda of trespass. After all Dharmananda was a resident of the Ashram so how could he be accused of trespass? Not happy with the complaint, as the police was not taking action, you prevailed upon your senior devotee Anjula Jackson and 4 others to file a private case on the same grounds against Dharmananda in the Ramnagar court. By this one vindictive act we realized that Nithy's time was drawing near. It soon happened, during mid September, the police announced and read out a few passages of a rape complaint received by them in the open court. There was shock and silence amongst the inner circle. Putting up a brave front, you orchestrated a melodrama in the Chit Sabha. We remember, it was late afternoon and you sent in Bhaktananda first. While announcing that a false complaint was lodged against the incarnation of Nithy, he promptly pulled out a pin, pierced his thumb and made out a declaration in blood of his unflinching support to Nithy till last breath. He prevailed upon every one in the hall to do the same or at least to write in red ink. We were about 150 participants in the hall and most of us wrote it out in red ink while some fools pierced their thumbs to write in blood. Just then Nithy entered the hall and ridiculed and half admonished Bhaktananda for his foolish and
emotional behavior and like a martyr declared that he would take care of himself saying that all great masters had to undergo such persecution. The whole drama was so well enacted,as if well rehearsed. I vividly recall, in 2009, when one of the participants asked Nithy in a lighter vein, had he not become a swamy what profession he would have chosen. In a flash he answered "an actor". It was acting par
For any independent, logical thinking mind it becomes clear that you have perpetuated a Cult and many were caught up in it, surrendering their mind, body and soul to you.You always demanded VITARKA (absolute and unquestionable surrender to the Master) from your devotees for spiritual progress. In 2005 you would talk about you being an avatar of Shiva or Krishna only to your ashramites and close devotees. Your inner circle diligently reinforced your Godhood to other ashramites and devotees. Slowly in 2006 you started dropping hints publicly about your Avataric Mission. Your inner circle (partners in crime) started spinning stories about sighting Lord Shiva at dusk after evening prayers and you acknowledged the same indicating that you were his incarnation. During 2006 and 07 the strength of Brahmacharies and Brahmacharinis started increasing thanks to your N.S.P and A.S.P programs. The course material for them was prepared and Guru Puja, Pada puja and Arati to the Master (you) became mandatory. In 2008, you started to claim that in one of your previous Avataric Incarnations, you were none other than Arunagiri Yogeshwara himself, who was considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Then you started the Inner Awakening programs and claimed to give Abhaya like how Lord Krishna gave Arjuna on the field of Kurukshetra.It became mandatory for all Ashramites, devotees and participants to do Guru Puja, Pada puja, Arati and publicly elevate you to the level of God himself. Your marble statues started making appearances and were distributed to all centers for daily puja and associated rituals. At one point you even instructed your ashramites to address you as ‘Bhagawan’ just like Ramana Maharishi! Nithy, surely and gradually you built
yourself to the level of a God Head in the public eye.
It was continues brainwash especially to all Ashramites and Brahmacharies. You were continuously advertising and roping in new devotees and expanding your so called mission. In fact you were only creating a cult empire of your own, where you would be sitting on golden thrones, carried around in palanquins and live a double life of indulgence and debauchery on one side and posing as an Incarnation to the devotees and participants on the other side. This is how cults work all over the world. Now, during the past few months you took this to a much higher level, because it's a matter of your survival. Now you are called as the The Rare Avataric Enlightened Master who happened on Earth.
Dharmananda was also very much a part of your cult totally brainwashed. It was a blessing from Almighty, that he could finally see you with better awareness and expose your fraud. In the process, he saved many families, marriages, lives and society at large. He deserves credit, hats off to him. Have you not tried to pay off Dharma? Induced him with an offer of setting up an Ashram for him. Have you not offered hefty sums to buy him off? Everything is on record. Most men would have been tempted by your offers, but this man, though living in adversity has stood up for upholding Dharma. Perhaps, the world still moves, because of sincere, honest and selfless men like him. I suppose it was his karmic duty to be born, only to bring down the fraud that Nithyananda is. This is the only reason that most of the senior ex-devotees, Acharyas and Ashramites are morally supporting and backing him. The police have also realized this and are doing their best and have done a great job so far.
We need to give the devil his due. You have inspired a large number of people in to the spiritual line, you are an excellent speaker, and very sharp when it comes to reading people (which you use very effectively to manipulate everyone). Some of the ex-devotees, are unable to break off from you because of the experiences they had in your presence. This in no way qualifies you to divinity.The fools don't understand this. It's possible that you have achieved certain powers, but you certainly have not progressed to a higher spiritual plane. There are some siddhis you may have acquired and employ them on people who are in your presence. To an extant your malas and bracelets also have similar efficacy. But what people fail to realize is that more than any powers it is purely your clever marketing and sales pitches about your healing and other miraculous powers that has created the faith for people. And its their own faith that has healed them (the classic placebo effect healing as you yourself claimed to Dharmananda and Sadananda once) or given them spiritual experiences. What most people don’t know or never hear is that for every 1 person you (supposedly) healed, there are 5 that did NOT get healed, but very conveniently, you will blame it on them and say its their karma to not be healed! You are simply misusing your siddhis, large knowledge base and oratory skills to deceive people, enrich yourself, amass wealth and indulge in lustful activities.
RAVANA was also a great siddhi indulging in similar things. You are much worse than him. You have abused dozens of women and men. Cheated and deceived devotees and took donations from them claiming to be a Avatara Pursha.
Now that the charge sheet is filed, your game plan is simple. Just delay the judicial process. At every level you are planning to seek an appeal in the higher court. Until the chargesheet was filed, you and your lawyers were blaming the CID for causing undue delays, you wanted to close the whole matter swiftly and return to your business. But now that there are actual victims and witnesses that have come forward, you want to cause endless delays in starting trial! You were all through challenging the F.I.R and now you are going to challenge again, the F.I.R, the process of police investigation and also the maintainability of the charge sheet at the High Court in January 2010. Fortunately for you, the Indian Penal laws give lot of scope to the accused to resort to such abuse of the legal system. You are going to fully exploit it. Can we expect any thing better from you?
Nithy, since you claim to be a Rare Avataric Incarnation and a Swamy of highest standing don't you think it's your duty to address the Moral issue rather than fight a protracted legal battle while trying to harass and intimidate any witnesses and victims, in your efforts to sabotage the case itself? How are you different from any common criminal who normally uses similar tactics? For once we all devotees (both ex-devotees and new devotees) request you to be man enough and go through the trial in the court and come clean of the charges at the earliest. If you are really innocent, prove it in court. Why are you (an Avatara Purusha, a great enlightened master) afraid to stand trial and prove your innocence in court? Let the truth come out in court, we are tired of your tricks, tactics and lies.
Presenting 'enlightening' facts and information exposing Nithyananda and his cult. Know the truth... make informed decisions... save your precious life! SATYAMEVA JAYATE (let truth alone triumph)!!!
If you have any experience or information concerning Nithyananda, his practices, beliefs, organizations and exercise of authority, please share it through comments. If you would like to be contacted, please provide your email address, it will be kept confidential and will not be used for any other purpose.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Lenin Karuppan,
Sex Scandal
So Nithy, you ran away leaving your Ashramites, gurukul children and devotees in a lurch. Did you realize what effect it had on them? You were supposed to be an AVATARA PURUSHA and a PURNA AVATARA in the mould of Lord Krishna.The whole Ashram vacated save a few perplexed foreigners who later left for Kumbh Mela. Your Ashrams were assaulted in Bidadi, Tamil Nadu and Hyderabad. Did you care? You were only worried about your safety, security and avoiding arrest.
You drove away in a convoy of three cars. Ford Endeavour, Innova and a Toyota Qualis. Bhaktananda was driving you in the Endeavour. Your brother Nithyeshwar and Gopika in the Innova and Atma Prabha and another lady in the Qualis. More importantly, the cars were loaded with 10 suitcases. What were you carrying with you Nithy? Cash and Gold of course. We can only guess that you were also carrying some incriminating evidence you wished to hide or destroy. Frantically the convoy drove through rural Tamil Nadu and crossed in to Andhra. A little good sense prevailed on you and sent back the the Innova and the Qualis while shifting some suitcases to your Endevour. Atma Prabha was needed here in Chennai to do some fire fighting to file cases in the court to stop visual media with the help of Mr Ramanathan, father of Ma Bhaktika. He was also needed here to file some false cases against Dharmananda to checkmate him. Alas, your poor secretary could not do much. Aiyya at that time could not be deployed in Tamil Nadu for the fear of being lynched by the mobs. Now we will get back to your flight.
Driving frantically Bhakta and you reached Hyderabad Airport. You quickly changed in to pants and a shirt and wore a panama type cap to conceal your identity. Leaving your car in the Airport parking lot, you and Bhakta took a flight to Delhi. From Delhi you took a flight to Kathmandu, Nepal. Meanwhile Nithy you were caught on a camera by a close software devotee of Hyderabad and this is a treasured photograph perhaps in the possession of Dharmananda. After things cool down you could use it in your holocaust museum. What kind of people behave like the way you did? Tell us Nithy, don’t you owe us an answer. We all considered you as God at your instance. Did you not give us Abhaya like how Lord Krishna gave Arjuna. You just ran away like a criminal leaving us high and dry. What were you fearing Nithy? After all you were enjoying sex and it is not a crime. Why were you feeling so guilty? Now we will go back to Bangalore to see what your damage control managers Sachitananda and Sadananda (Aiyya) were doing.
Everyone vacated the Ashram to stay in the city for the next 15 days. The existing core team consisting of website department and English content department were working from the city shifting venues to counter the adverse media publicity. P.R.O (Sevananda) and Sachit were attending to the legal work, Aiyya remote controlling Atma Prabha, who was damage controlling Chennai all under direct instructions from Nithy. All three, especially Sachit and Aiyya are answerable to the misdeeds committed at this time by way of hiding/ destruction of evidence and spreading disinformation about Dharma and video expose. Some important persons like an influential doctor from L.A and an independent researcher from U.S were sent by Nithy to boost the morale of the team and influence the Govt.
The savvy spin master Sachitananda was at his best with his white lies. He spun a great story of a Christian conspiracy having roped in Ranjitha who in turn roped in Dharmananda(Lenin Kurappan). The budget set aside by the Church was supposed to be Rs 200.00 crores . An advance of Rs20.00 crores was paid as advance shared by both and that Ranjitha was a lady of loose character and that both were christians. Crucial evidence like Non Disclosure Agreements (confidential), sensitive recordings, archives etc were either hidden or destroyed. The P.R.O, Aiyya and his Brahmachary driver and Sachitananda were at their best shifting suitcases, files etc. Both Sachitananda and Ma Sachitananda were constantly on the phone spreading disinformation and lying about the expose to keep the devotee group intact. You, Sachit and Ma Sachit, we don’t expect you to tell the truth after all you were trained by the Fraud and master liar. The police will, I am sure testify to the fact that you never spoke the truth.
During the first week of your expose you called all your near and dear devotees, Acharyas, organizers and admitted that the video was true and that you had a relation ship with only Rangitha and no body else. Are you going to deny this? Or do you need the testimony of all your Acharyas and Organisers. This is one reason almost all have left you.They did not believe you. Now you are cursing and abusing them. The Doctor from L.A., seemed to be a man with lot of contacts. He along with a local sincere devotee (a tall person normally seen in the Ashram) were working over time meeting the C.M., Home Minister, top police officials and other important people in the Govt. The Doctor and the researcher flew to Delhi to arrange a meeting of the sant (Hindu swami’s) community with Nithy. Nithy, can you deny this? Even if you deny, the Swami’s will not and this is on record.
Now what is it that the sant (Hindu swami’s) community and other well wishers suggested. They advised, “Nithy! You are a young man. Don’t be so impatient and immature. You have made a mistake and please have the courage to admit it. This is not a legal issue as long as Ranjitha does not complain, but it is a moral issue of great importance involving a Swami. There is a remedy available in the Hindu Dharma. Do prayaschita (repentance), penance and Tapas. For this, please relocate to any place in the Himalayas for atleast a couple of years meditate, improve your understanding and maturity and come back to take charge of your Ashram” An interim arrangement to maintain your Ashram was also thought of. You agreed to all of this just because you needed their support at that time. You had no intention of implementing their advice. You just fooled them. Your subsequent actions say so. The Swami’s will attest to it even if you deny.
The Doctor returned to Bangalore and seemed a bit disappointed because he had seen a Non Disclosure Agreement and started getting doubts about Nithy’s intentions and integrity. It’s a known fact that on the day he was returning to U.S he called you and bluntly asked if there was one woman or more women. You admitted saying many women. You also continued shamelessly and said it was like Kalpataru. They came with a desire and you fulfilled. Its well known that he turned against you after this. The closure of L.A and other Temples is testimony to this. But you the Avatara Purusha started a tirade. You called up hundreds in U.S to tell them that the Doctor was trying to usurp your property in L.A. What a shame Nithy. Do you have a conscience? How can you sleep peacefully. The local devotee also moved away seeing your N.D.A’s. You started a campaign to malign him calling hundreds of devotees that he wanted to knock away your Bidadi property. Shame on you.
During the course of this one month almost all your donors appealed and requested you to return their properties, temples and cash which they donated thinking that you were a Avatara Purusha. Now they felt cheated and betrayed by your lustful behavior like any ordinary mortal. Did you not claim that below your Manipuraga chakra you have no Chakras and hence you were above lust? Did you not claim that you were in SAHAJA SAMADI for the last seven years and hence you can not do any meditation or any yoga? Did you not give DEVI DARSHAN wearing a sari? These are the factors that influenced the people to donate their properties, temples and cash.You agreed to return and refund their properties and now you are going back on your word. Why Nithy? You are a Parmahamsa why are you so attached to all these worldly things. Don’t you think that you need to address these issues. You are a just a greedy man out to amass wealth and indulging in lustful activities.
By now the police caught up with you and pulled you out of your hole in Solan District, Himachal Pradesh on 21St April,2010. Nithy! Had you heeded to the advice of the Sant community and the elders, perhaps there would not have been any complaint against you. Had it not been for your vindictive attitude going after Dharmananda and other probable witnesses you would not have been in this predicament today. Your hurry to come back and take charge , your rampant lies and claiming that the Video was morphed and digitally altered was like rubbing salt on the wounds of scores of your victims. Remember Nithy, to speak the truth you don't need any brains. You need cunning to lie because you need to cover up your previous lies. Stop trying to abuse the legal system trying to squash the F.I.R and the chargesheet. Address the moral issue.
You drove away in a convoy of three cars. Ford Endeavour, Innova and a Toyota Qualis. Bhaktananda was driving you in the Endeavour. Your brother Nithyeshwar and Gopika in the Innova and Atma Prabha and another lady in the Qualis. More importantly, the cars were loaded with 10 suitcases. What were you carrying with you Nithy? Cash and Gold of course. We can only guess that you were also carrying some incriminating evidence you wished to hide or destroy. Frantically the convoy drove through rural Tamil Nadu and crossed in to Andhra. A little good sense prevailed on you and sent back the the Innova and the Qualis while shifting some suitcases to your Endevour. Atma Prabha was needed here in Chennai to do some fire fighting to file cases in the court to stop visual media with the help of Mr Ramanathan, father of Ma Bhaktika. He was also needed here to file some false cases against Dharmananda to checkmate him. Alas, your poor secretary could not do much. Aiyya at that time could not be deployed in Tamil Nadu for the fear of being lynched by the mobs. Now we will get back to your flight.
Driving frantically Bhakta and you reached Hyderabad Airport. You quickly changed in to pants and a shirt and wore a panama type cap to conceal your identity. Leaving your car in the Airport parking lot, you and Bhakta took a flight to Delhi. From Delhi you took a flight to Kathmandu, Nepal. Meanwhile Nithy you were caught on a camera by a close software devotee of Hyderabad and this is a treasured photograph perhaps in the possession of Dharmananda. After things cool down you could use it in your holocaust museum. What kind of people behave like the way you did? Tell us Nithy, don’t you owe us an answer. We all considered you as God at your instance. Did you not give us Abhaya like how Lord Krishna gave Arjuna. You just ran away like a criminal leaving us high and dry. What were you fearing Nithy? After all you were enjoying sex and it is not a crime. Why were you feeling so guilty? Now we will go back to Bangalore to see what your damage control managers Sachitananda and Sadananda (Aiyya) were doing.
Everyone vacated the Ashram to stay in the city for the next 15 days. The existing core team consisting of website department and English content department were working from the city shifting venues to counter the adverse media publicity. P.R.O (Sevananda) and Sachit were attending to the legal work, Aiyya remote controlling Atma Prabha, who was damage controlling Chennai all under direct instructions from Nithy. All three, especially Sachit and Aiyya are answerable to the misdeeds committed at this time by way of hiding/ destruction of evidence and spreading disinformation about Dharma and video expose. Some important persons like an influential doctor from L.A and an independent researcher from U.S were sent by Nithy to boost the morale of the team and influence the Govt.
The savvy spin master Sachitananda was at his best with his white lies. He spun a great story of a Christian conspiracy having roped in Ranjitha who in turn roped in Dharmananda(Lenin Kurappan). The budget set aside by the Church was supposed to be Rs 200.00 crores . An advance of Rs20.00 crores was paid as advance shared by both and that Ranjitha was a lady of loose character and that both were christians. Crucial evidence like Non Disclosure Agreements (confidential), sensitive recordings, archives etc were either hidden or destroyed. The P.R.O, Aiyya and his Brahmachary driver and Sachitananda were at their best shifting suitcases, files etc. Both Sachitananda and Ma Sachitananda were constantly on the phone spreading disinformation and lying about the expose to keep the devotee group intact. You, Sachit and Ma Sachit, we don’t expect you to tell the truth after all you were trained by the Fraud and master liar. The police will, I am sure testify to the fact that you never spoke the truth.
During the first week of your expose you called all your near and dear devotees, Acharyas, organizers and admitted that the video was true and that you had a relation ship with only Rangitha and no body else. Are you going to deny this? Or do you need the testimony of all your Acharyas and Organisers. This is one reason almost all have left you.They did not believe you. Now you are cursing and abusing them. The Doctor from L.A., seemed to be a man with lot of contacts. He along with a local sincere devotee (a tall person normally seen in the Ashram) were working over time meeting the C.M., Home Minister, top police officials and other important people in the Govt. The Doctor and the researcher flew to Delhi to arrange a meeting of the sant (Hindu swami’s) community with Nithy. Nithy, can you deny this? Even if you deny, the Swami’s will not and this is on record.
Now what is it that the sant (Hindu swami’s) community and other well wishers suggested. They advised, “Nithy! You are a young man. Don’t be so impatient and immature. You have made a mistake and please have the courage to admit it. This is not a legal issue as long as Ranjitha does not complain, but it is a moral issue of great importance involving a Swami. There is a remedy available in the Hindu Dharma. Do prayaschita (repentance), penance and Tapas. For this, please relocate to any place in the Himalayas for atleast a couple of years meditate, improve your understanding and maturity and come back to take charge of your Ashram” An interim arrangement to maintain your Ashram was also thought of. You agreed to all of this just because you needed their support at that time. You had no intention of implementing their advice. You just fooled them. Your subsequent actions say so. The Swami’s will attest to it even if you deny.
The Doctor returned to Bangalore and seemed a bit disappointed because he had seen a Non Disclosure Agreement and started getting doubts about Nithy’s intentions and integrity. It’s a known fact that on the day he was returning to U.S he called you and bluntly asked if there was one woman or more women. You admitted saying many women. You also continued shamelessly and said it was like Kalpataru. They came with a desire and you fulfilled. Its well known that he turned against you after this. The closure of L.A and other Temples is testimony to this. But you the Avatara Purusha started a tirade. You called up hundreds in U.S to tell them that the Doctor was trying to usurp your property in L.A. What a shame Nithy. Do you have a conscience? How can you sleep peacefully. The local devotee also moved away seeing your N.D.A’s. You started a campaign to malign him calling hundreds of devotees that he wanted to knock away your Bidadi property. Shame on you.
During the course of this one month almost all your donors appealed and requested you to return their properties, temples and cash which they donated thinking that you were a Avatara Purusha. Now they felt cheated and betrayed by your lustful behavior like any ordinary mortal. Did you not claim that below your Manipuraga chakra you have no Chakras and hence you were above lust? Did you not claim that you were in SAHAJA SAMADI for the last seven years and hence you can not do any meditation or any yoga? Did you not give DEVI DARSHAN wearing a sari? These are the factors that influenced the people to donate their properties, temples and cash.You agreed to return and refund their properties and now you are going back on your word. Why Nithy? You are a Parmahamsa why are you so attached to all these worldly things. Don’t you think that you need to address these issues. You are a just a greedy man out to amass wealth and indulging in lustful activities.
By now the police caught up with you and pulled you out of your hole in Solan District, Himachal Pradesh on 21St April,2010. Nithy! Had you heeded to the advice of the Sant community and the elders, perhaps there would not have been any complaint against you. Had it not been for your vindictive attitude going after Dharmananda and other probable witnesses you would not have been in this predicament today. Your hurry to come back and take charge , your rampant lies and claiming that the Video was morphed and digitally altered was like rubbing salt on the wounds of scores of your victims. Remember Nithy, to speak the truth you don't need any brains. You need cunning to lie because you need to cover up your previous lies. Stop trying to abuse the legal system trying to squash the F.I.R and the chargesheet. Address the moral issue.
Lenin Karuppan,
Sex Scandal
Dear Nithy,
I was a close ex-member of your mission, thoroughly brainwashed and not realizing that your organization was a cult. I am out of it now thanks to Dharmananda and the truth subsequently revealed. Let me summarise the events from 19th Feb 2010 when your SAMADHI (during an N.S.P) started.
Aiyya and Bhaktananda suddenly returned from the U.S. on 20th Feb 2010. Aiyya cut short his trip and Bhakta returned with in 4 days. And suddenly Ma Sachit (Ragini) then incharge for Hyderabad Ashram also came to Banglore in a rush. Many Ashramites and residents were wondering why? By then, you Nithy started the drama of Samadi. The residents and even the security guards were perplexed. The guards were also heard asking “What Samadi is this, Nithy is going out late night and also returning at odd hours?” The Ashramites and residents were fooled, only the inner circle coterie and partners of Nithy knew the truth about the video, for they were constantly trying to contact Dharmananda who was in hiding out of fear. There seems to be sufficient proof of this by way of phone calls and audio recordings with Dharma.
After a week Sachit who was managing the show in the Ashram started spinning stories saying that Nithy is now out of Samadi and that he was resting in a resort as he needed a much deserved break having worked non-stop for 7 years. You Nithy, during this time you were in a resort in Kerala very much in touch with Ranjita and making a deal with her in case of the expose. All this, you were doing while trying to desperately contact Dharmananda and settle with him. Everything is on record.
And how can we forget that you instructed Palaniappan (Sevananda) to lodge a false complaint with Bidadi police station that he was receiving blackmail calls from Dharma on his mobile phone. This brainwashed fool did the same on 28th Feb and back dated the complaint. Nithy and his First Circle cult managers did not know that precisely at this time the whole police team of Ramnagaram and Bidadi were watching the C.D already couriered to them by an anonymous victim.
Is this how an Enlightened master handles situations with awareness??? Sorry to say, Dharmananda handled the situation with better awareness.
Recall!!! Nithy you returned on the night of 1st March and assembled everybody at 10.30 PM at the Temple. You gave an emotional speech leaving everybody surprised. Apologizing to every one and promising not to physically hit any Brahmachary or Ashramites. Gave liberty to all Brahmacharies to spend their time as they like. Many were in tears at your pleadings. On the morning of 2nd March you were supposed to address a meeting at 9.30 AM. You never did. Postponed the same to 12.30 PM. You never did. Cancelled the same and never showed your face again. YOU RAN AWAY.
Then the expose on the evening of 2nd March 2010. So much for an Enlightened Master to leave his flock and run away like a common criminal. What kind of Leadership quality is this? Can you answer this Nithy? Do you agree that the fundamental principles of Spirituality is Truth and Ahimsa. Have you ever introspected if you ever lived by these principles??? Don’t you think that you owe an answer to all your devotees? Some of them have given up careers to join you. Most have devoted 75% of their time for your Mission ……
Lenin Karuppan,
Sex Scandal
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Nithya’s charge sheet a sordid tale of sexual abuse
Bangalore, December 3, DHNS :
It was not only his Bidadi ashram where Nithyananda, alias Rajasekharan, allegedly coaxed his men and women devotees to have sex with him.

Investigations by the State Criminal Investigation Department (CID) have revealed that he satiated his carnal desires even in holy places like Varanasi and Kashi.
Nithyananda’s rationale for such acts - which form a greater part of the 450-page charge sheet, including annexures in the form of statements by witnesses and those with whom he allegedly had sex - was that if devotees have sex with him in holy places, they will be purged of sins.
According to CID sources, the godman claimed before his target devotees: “If you do it (have sex) in holy places, it will wash away your sins. I am Anandeshwara (Lord Shiva) and you are Anandeshwari. God has sent me to purify you through this.”
The CID officials say Nithyananda was also using his vast network of followers the world over to intimidate witnesses in the case. More shocking misdeeds of Nithyananda have also surfaced. A senior CID officials said: “He would slap his women followers if they didn’t agree to sleep with him.”
During a trip to the Himalayas some three years ago, Nithyananda allegedly tried to sodomise a young man from Delhi, leaving him terribly traumatised.
The meditation hall at the Bidadi ashram, a signboard reads: ‘Leave your mind and footwear outside’. This was strictly forced upon the bhaktas. “He told devotees that they should come out of their social conditioning and not question his credibility.
He would say he frequently entered samadhi and that he needed sex to get back to the normal state. Every time he used a condom,” a victim said.
Nithyananda even visited a strip club in Las Vegas some three years ago. “He changed his saffron wear and entered the club with jeans, T-shirt and a cap,” the investigation revealed.
Credits: Deccan Herald News
It was not only his Bidadi ashram where Nithyananda, alias Rajasekharan, allegedly coaxed his men and women devotees to have sex with him.

Investigations by the State Criminal Investigation Department (CID) have revealed that he satiated his carnal desires even in holy places like Varanasi and Kashi.
Nithyananda’s rationale for such acts - which form a greater part of the 450-page charge sheet, including annexures in the form of statements by witnesses and those with whom he allegedly had sex - was that if devotees have sex with him in holy places, they will be purged of sins.
According to CID sources, the godman claimed before his target devotees: “If you do it (have sex) in holy places, it will wash away your sins. I am Anandeshwara (Lord Shiva) and you are Anandeshwari. God has sent me to purify you through this.”
The CID officials say Nithyananda was also using his vast network of followers the world over to intimidate witnesses in the case. More shocking misdeeds of Nithyananda have also surfaced. A senior CID officials said: “He would slap his women followers if they didn’t agree to sleep with him.”
During a trip to the Himalayas some three years ago, Nithyananda allegedly tried to sodomise a young man from Delhi, leaving him terribly traumatised.
The meditation hall at the Bidadi ashram, a signboard reads: ‘Leave your mind and footwear outside’. This was strictly forced upon the bhaktas. “He told devotees that they should come out of their social conditioning and not question his credibility.
He would say he frequently entered samadhi and that he needed sex to get back to the normal state. Every time he used a condom,” a victim said.
Nithyananda even visited a strip club in Las Vegas some three years ago. “He changed his saffron wear and entered the club with jeans, T-shirt and a cap,” the investigation revealed.
Credits: Deccan Herald News
Sex Scandal
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Trouble for ‘godman’ in the US
Bangalore, March 28, DH News Service:
Almost a month after a former Nithyananda disciple in Tamil Nadu blew the whistle on him, a former American devotee has now filed criminal complaints in the US state of California against the self-styled godman.
The complainant, who has identified himself as Douglas McKellor, formerly known as Swami Nithya Praba, is a resident of San Jose, California. In his complaint to California state Attorney General Jerry Brown on March 25, McKellor has brought serious charges of sex, fraud, financial irregularities and physical abuse of devotees in the US against Nithyananda. Copies of the complaints are in the possession of Deccan Herald.
Like Lenin Karuppan, who exposed the sex videos featuring Nithyananda and a Tamil actress and also accused him of "raping" or having sex with other women in his Bidadi ashram, McKellor has claimed that at least on one occasion he "was placed as a guard in front of the door to make sure that no one, repeat no one, disturbed him and his lady guest".
While McKellor has not disclosed the date when he was asked to guard Nithyananda's room, he does mention that it took place when the godman headed a two-day workshop in a Sanatan Dharma temple in Norwalk, California. McKellor, who is a Hindu, alleges that Nithyananda "ate his meals or rested alone with young attractive (women) followers" in his private quarters at the cult organisation's Norwalk and Montclair ashrams.
On the lines of Karuppan's allegations, the American national, who claims to have begun exposing Nithyananda's "organised fraud" in his blogsite, alleges in his complaint to the California attorney general that the godman "abused" Hindu religious tenets, by which he would issue "fake enlightenment certificates", took away people's life savings, including $400,000 of his bank deposit and physically abused ashramites.
Describing how he was "enlightened", McKellor says: "While living in the Los Angeles ashram in June 2007, I was one in the first batch of Nithyananda's instant enlightenment. During the week-long program, I felt unnaturally dizzy and light. It was as if some strange drug was causing me to lose my senses."
He goes on to say that during the workshop Nithyananda performed fire rituals in which all initiates "had to cut off a strand of our own hair and this hair was added to the fire." Besides, he claims, "Nithyananda also added something that looked like marijuana seeds into the fire."
Credits: Deccan Herald News
Almost a month after a former Nithyananda disciple in Tamil Nadu blew the whistle on him, a former American devotee has now filed criminal complaints in the US state of California against the self-styled godman.
The complainant, who has identified himself as Douglas McKellor, formerly known as Swami Nithya Praba, is a resident of San Jose, California. In his complaint to California state Attorney General Jerry Brown on March 25, McKellor has brought serious charges of sex, fraud, financial irregularities and physical abuse of devotees in the US against Nithyananda. Copies of the complaints are in the possession of Deccan Herald.
Like Lenin Karuppan, who exposed the sex videos featuring Nithyananda and a Tamil actress and also accused him of "raping" or having sex with other women in his Bidadi ashram, McKellor has claimed that at least on one occasion he "was placed as a guard in front of the door to make sure that no one, repeat no one, disturbed him and his lady guest".
While McKellor has not disclosed the date when he was asked to guard Nithyananda's room, he does mention that it took place when the godman headed a two-day workshop in a Sanatan Dharma temple in Norwalk, California. McKellor, who is a Hindu, alleges that Nithyananda "ate his meals or rested alone with young attractive (women) followers" in his private quarters at the cult organisation's Norwalk and Montclair ashrams.
On the lines of Karuppan's allegations, the American national, who claims to have begun exposing Nithyananda's "organised fraud" in his blogsite, alleges in his complaint to the California attorney general that the godman "abused" Hindu religious tenets, by which he would issue "fake enlightenment certificates", took away people's life savings, including $400,000 of his bank deposit and physically abused ashramites.
Describing how he was "enlightened", McKellor says: "While living in the Los Angeles ashram in June 2007, I was one in the first batch of Nithyananda's instant enlightenment. During the week-long program, I felt unnaturally dizzy and light. It was as if some strange drug was causing me to lose my senses."
He goes on to say that during the workshop Nithyananda performed fire rituals in which all initiates "had to cut off a strand of our own hair and this hair was added to the fire." Besides, he claims, "Nithyananda also added something that looked like marijuana seeds into the fire."
Credits: Deccan Herald News
Sex Scandal
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Dharmananda (Lenin Karuppan) testimonial about Nithyananda
Testimonial of the whistle-blower in the Nithyananda scandal...
Nithyananda Exposed - Headlines Today TV Interview of Dharmananda (Lenin Karuppan)
SUN TV (Tamil) Interview of Dharmananda Part1
SUN TV (Tamil) Interview of Dharmananda Part2
Nithyananda Exposed - Headlines Today TV Interview of Dharmananda (Lenin Karuppan)
SUN TV (Tamil) Interview of Dharmananda Part1
SUN TV (Tamil) Interview of Dharmananda Part2
Lenin Karuppan,
Sex Scandal
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Nithyananda - The man behind the mask!
He has great videos on youtube. His talks can be mesmerizing and convincing. He is incredibly intelligent and knows how to say the right things to people.
I had fallen for him quite strongly after feeling his energy throughout my body with just his touch on my forehead. I fell head over heels in love with him as much as someone could fall in love and devotion to a guru. I found myself doing everything he was espousing. I even legally changed my name, even my passport and driver's license, etc. I ran at every chance to see him, to be near him. I thought of him every minute of the day. I prayed to him and held him above all else.
But, there were too many little inconsistencies that I noticed. What he said in public and what he did in private were vastly different. He does brainwash people - if we have any doubt in our minds about him or his movement, we are told to "drop the doubt, drop the mind" lest we never reach enlightenment because of our "own fault" in not having "dropped our minds." He knows how to manipulate each person - he is master of the way people's psychology is, the way people think and believe, our psyche.
He only believes in propagating his name, and acquiring money - not true religion or spirituality. Religion is only a front just for outward appearance. He actually disrepects Gods in private sessions saying bad derogatory comments about them. I've seen him belittle and berate his ashramites shamelessly - it is emotional torture and humiliation. He claims it is "for their own good" to help them "lose their ego" so that they become enlightened but this is just a bogus double-speak in order to ill treat them as he wishes. He doesn't allow his ashramites to sleep - they get anywhere from no sleep to a few hours a day. He makes them work, work, work to the point of physical and mental exhaustion.
He is a very sick, sick man who is egotistical, interested in fame and fortune, enjoys torturing people in a number of ways-mental, physical, emotional... and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He doesn't mind stepping on people's toes, or even their heads, in order to get ahead.
And everyone who is still in the movement are a bunch of stupid fools because they (most if not all) can see the signs but fail to acknowledge them and only believe his double-speak. They choose to stay in ignorance because they have fallen for his total crap words.
I urge those still in the movement to look past his words, and don't just believe what you see him do in public. He puts on a great humble and gracious act in public. See his actions in more private and intimate settings - this is a very dangerous man.
Trust your gut instinct. Don't drop your mind - it's the only thing that is showing you the red flags to alert you to danger. Good luck to you and God Bless because now only the Real God can help you get out of this mess. I am thankful to the Real God for helping to show me the way out and save my life and my soul.
Experience shared by W.E.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wishing you all a Happy Diwali
On this Diwali day, let the light of truth dispel the darkness of ignorance and set us free!!
Asatoma Sadgamaya
Lead me from the unreal to the real
Thamaso Maa Jyothir Gamaya
Lead me from darkness to light.
Mrithyor Maa Amrutham Gamaya
Lead me from death to immortality.
Aum Shanti Shanti Shantihi
May there be peace everywhere
Asatoma Sadgamaya
Lead me from the unreal to the real
Thamaso Maa Jyothir Gamaya
Lead me from darkness to light.
Mrithyor Maa Amrutham Gamaya
Lead me from death to immortality.
Aum Shanti Shanti Shantihi
May there be peace everywhere
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Lenin Karuppan,
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